Getting a massage at home for the first time can feel a bit like going on a blind date. Whether you are a seasoned massage-getter or trying massage for the first time ever getting it at home will make your already hectic life just a little bit less overwhelming and a little more relaxing. Here are some things that you should know about your first experience.
Booking your first in-home massage
You can start relaxing from the moment you visit our website to book your massage - we’ve worked our magic to make sure the booking experience is as stress-free as possible!You can book your massage by clicking here. You will be prompted to enter your address, create or sign in to your existing account. From there you will be met with a schedule of available dates and times in your area. We do have evening slots as late as 8 pm available for you but they do book quickly. (aim to pre-plan 2-3 weeks in advance for your ideal time!)What happens immediately after I book my first in-home massage?
Right after you book your massage you will be emailed a confirmation. You will also be emailed detailed instructions on what to expect and how to prepare for your first in-home massage.
So what should I prepare in my home?
Your massage therapist will arrive at your door with all of the mandatory supplies to perform your massage - this includes… you guessed it a massage table. The massage table is about the size of a standard rectangular coffee table.
Start thinking of a few places in your home where this table could fit (along with a little clearance of course for a human to walk around the perimeter of it) If you’re not sure don’t worry! When your massage therapist arrives they can help you decide where the best place may be. We typically massage our mamas in living rooms, home offices and even balconies/decks (depending on the season)
We do suggest your massage happens on the main floor of your home due to the weight of the massage table (it’s about +40lbs!)
Many of our mamas love to make the space they choose as relaxing as possible, this could include lighting a few candles, diffusing some essential oils, and putting on your favorite playlist to chill out to.
You will also need to pull out two flat sheets, a pillowcase, and two pillows for your massage. Although ordinarily, we love to bring all the supplies we are taking extra precautions during the pandemic.
(BTW check-out these blogs if you have booked an in-home prenatal massage or in-home postnatal massage for further instructions about your experience)What should I wear?
Many of our mamas love to put on something comfy! A robe, pj’s, or even the clothes you wore to work are just fine. Your Registered Massage Therapist will give you a chance to crawl into the sheets while she has exited the room but it is always nice to have something comfortable to slip on afterward especially if your massage is happening before bed.
What’s the difference between my first massage and subsequent? I noticed the first is longer
We really care about you. We chose to make the length of your first experience slightly longer in order to create a fully curated massage plan. During your first session, your massage therapist will spend a little extra time getting to know you and your goals (even if that goal is just to relax!) We keep detailed notes so that no matter who you work with moving forwards everyone was on the same page to give you the best massage experience possible. Click here to book your first in-home massage.How do in-home couples massages work at Mama Mobile?
We understand how busy parenting can be, so have chosen to do our couples massages a little differently! You and your partner can book as late as 8 pm. Your massages will happen back-to-back, most of our couples tag-team the littles to bed and then chill together after in their zen state.
What sort of training do Registered Massage Therapists have in Ontario?
All of the Massage Therapists on the Mama Mobile team have completed a 2+ year college program through an accredited Massage Therapy school in Ontario. From there they have passed all licensing examinations to uphold the title of Registered Massage Therapist.
How do I claim my massage for insurance?
After your massage, you will be emailed a receipt that you can easily submit to your insurance company for reimbursement!
What are the top 5 benefits to getting massage at home vs in a clinic or spa?
Massage has a primary intention of lengthening out muscles that become shortened resulting in the soreness you feel. This shortening typically happens as a result of repeated daily tasks, twisting yourself into strained postural positions and everyday stressors!
1. Avoid Traffic and Parking Fees
The biggest benefit of having your massage at home is that you are able to stay in a relaxed environment following your treatment allowing your body to reap the effects for longer than you would if you were traveling to and from a physical location.
Having a massage at home saves you from having to drive, look for parking, pay for parking or transit, and sitting in traffic. You can finally remove the stress of being late for an appointment and the need to meticulously plan out your day.
2. Put a value on your time
Your time as a mama is more precious than ever before. Many mamas end up putting themselves last and as a result, missing vital time for their own self-care. Having a massage at home makes it easy- use the pockets of time you already have.
3. Avoid the hassle of a sitter
Hiring sitters, parking tickets, gas- it all adds up!
4. Enjoy late Night Massage
Many clinics/spas close at 8 pm and this happens to be our most popular time for busy mamas and partners. Enjoy your massage while the kids are in bed. These options also allow you to crawl into bed afterward feeling more relaxed than ever before.
5. Better Results
A massage isn’t just about what happens on the massage table- it is also about what happens afterward. The longer you can stay in a relaxed state the better magic the massage will have on your body.